When the skeletal remains of eleven women and girls are discovered in the New Mexico desert, an extensive investigation is launched. Inspired by true crime stories, this chilling crime-thriller follows Police Chief Carter (Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson), Detective Ortega (Brian Van Holt), and Agent Petrovick (Mel Gibson) in a multi-agency effort to identify and apprehend the killer. As each of their agendas and methods clash, a tangled web of intrigue casts suspicion in all directions.
Genre: Action/Thriller
Rating: (Not Yet Rated)
Running time: 96 mins
Release Date: EST/VOD (7/2/24); THEATRICAL (7/5/24)
Cast: Brian Van Holt, Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson, Nora Zehetner, Michael Sirow, Mel Gibson
Directed by: Asif Akbar
Written by: Vincent E. Mcdaniel, Asif Akbar, Hank Byrd, Koji Steven Sakai
Produced by: Colin Bates